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Synesthesia Symphony is a 2 player competitive painting game where color has sound. The more of a color there is, the louder the sound.
Sole Developer
Synesthesia Symphony was a seven-week solo sophomore project
This game was one of the hardest games to make, especially since I was making it on my own. It was a UI/ UX challenge since it was a music-based game and I wanted to keep the sound effects to a minimum so as to not drown out the music mechanic. I had to rely heavily on visual and haptic feedback. Since music is the core mechanic of the game, I had to make sure it was good. I was able to use my MixCraft 7 skills and its song kits to make a song that uses distinct instruments that can be used at different volumes and still sound good.
Roles: Sole developer
Product Details
Ship Date: November 2017
Engine: Unity
Platform: PC
Team Size: Solo
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